From start to finish...I cover it all
As Fayne approached she noticed how defensive the brute was with his freshly captured meal. This behavior forced her to take a step back not quite sure what kind of response she would get out of him. The silver fae tilted her head once again with curiosity for the stranger. Wondering if maybe he was of a higher rank than her she pushed back her ears submissively and lowered her tail a tad bit more wanting to make a good impression on every member of her new family. Though, her eyes never changed and she kept them planted on him. The silver male looked over at her with intensity which made her own hackles rise. She steadied her gaze on the stranger firmly as his eyes jutted in between her and his kill. His mind seemed to be racing as she stood before him, not sure quite how to react. But, he didn't seem threatening so she relaxed once again, her ears swiveling back to their forward position as she observed him waiting for him to respond. The intensity made time slow, seconds feeling like minutes as she stood there. Eventually he made a move. The brute picked up the rabbit in his large powerful jaws, a deep groan escaping his lips as he did so. He tore off a piece of the rabbit and carried it over to her dropping it a few feet away from where she stand. Her eyes were wide with curiosity and confusion as she watched him stride back to the rest of his kill. A small genuine smile shone on her face when he thanked her. Her tail swayed behind her happily.

Fayne took a few steps in his direction where he had placed her part of the rabbit, she lay herself down in front of it and looked up at the male. "No, thank you." She was bewildered by his actions, he had seemed to want nothing to do with her the way he guarded that rabbit like it was his own child. But it warmed Fayne's heart that he'd decided to share with her and she couldn't help but smile. Her tail thudded against the ground as she focus on her meal. She began to rip small pieces off her portion chewing them slowly. She held her head low and looked up past her brow at the male as he ate, trying to be inconspicuous. A minute passed and she was done with her meal. Her large pink tongue dipped in and out of her mouth as she licked her paws and her muzzle clean of the blood. The soft pink muscle flopped over the top of her nose to reach the top part of her muzzle and wet her nose. Fayne observed the silvery male as he devoured his part of the morsel. A wide eyed puppy like expression on her face. "Thank you again, it was pleasant. I'm Fayne by the way, I just joined New Dawn. It seems we haven't met yet." She smiled at him widely and waited for another response.

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