Absence Makes The Heart Grow Fonder
Hello Big Grin

She spoke so softly after he had placed the moon-flower that he hardly heard her words,but he could tell from her body language alone what she had said. He smiled again, his large black tail thumping against the soft grassy ground behind him, And we are more than happy to have you as a part of us. And this was more true then he could say, for her youth and feminity were something that would make New Dawn strong in the future.

Zalen's green eyes were drawn up to the heavens once more as he dwelled on what she had just said; about the changing world. That had been why New Dawn had been created, to escape the changes happening elsewhere, the ones that were frightening and bizarre. But even New Dawn could not fully escape these changes; there were Luperci here, even he had the virus within him, but there was just no getting away from it. At least the ones here lived their lives as naturally as possible; but Zalen was no fool, he knew some members had human vices; weapons, drugs, livestock; but what could he do? He loved them all dearly, and could not make himself drive them away for these things.

With a sigh he turned back to Fayne, Do you plan on sleeping here tonight? I will stay with you if you'd wish. Otherwise, the den beckons us. The thought of sleeping out in the open was no his favorite, but he would do it for her protection and comfort, if she asked it of him.

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