Ladybugs and tulips
Pandora swayed from side to side as she continued to sing. Her voice ranged in various pitches and melodies. She thought about growing up, what her future would bring, how tall she would be when she shifted. She watched the birds, heard their songs and seen geese fly overhead adding their honks like trumpets to the beat. Spring was definitely a time of music the pup thought. Then she heard someone’s approach and from the panting and excited step she knew it was her tingla. She looked over her shoulder and smiled as her sister attempted to follow her made up song. She giggled as it fell into two different tempos and decided to switch to a song they both knew by heart. When the song had finished Pandora rubbed her muzzle against her sisters. That was nice. Isn’t spring great? Too many birds. Lots of small things. Bugs! I love bugs. Her tail wagged greatly at the thought of the many bugs she had seen and tasted before finding the ladybug. You feel better? She knew her sister wasn’t too happy about the move but hoped she was coming around because they had a lot of new area to explore.

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