Making up for lost time.
Shadow looked to her and he glared but it wasn't at her....His angry face was due to him thinking about how much he hatted himself at that moment. He hadn't left for long and he thought Insomnia would be fine since he would be right back but he was wrong so wrong!. He knew she could be attacked by her own mind and at times she even had other versions of herself speak for her. He had heard it when she slept or when she had fallen into her self, into the black of her own mind. Shadow looked into her eyes and then the words that would come from her would hit him hard, and it would wound him...more than any blade or whip.

" I hate you" Shadows eyes went wide as he heard that and he leaned back lightly as he looked away for a second. It didn't sound like his was cold, almost evil, full of hate and malice. Shadow bared his teeth not in anger but in pain and he lost himself in thought as he slowly started to fall within himself. His eyes stopped tearing as he heard her ask him why. Shadow assumed it was asking why he was crying and so he told her. I have hurt you...Your the only one I truly love and I hurt...You...I should have never hurt you....I never wanted to hurt you. I Don't deserve someone as beautiful and as kind and as loving as you. Your perfect, and I caused you harm...I can never forgive myself..

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