wouldn't it be nice?

Even though you posted this a few days ago and Leland is newer than that. I AM REPLYING ANYWAY.
“Now don’t talk like that, sir. I’m sure you don’t have to be a dirty old man. You could be a clean old man. Or a goofy old man. A cranky old man, possibly. Or whatever type of old man you want to be, really.” Leland hadn’t meant to overhear the wolf speaking to himself, but once he had, he couldn’t help but chime in with what he could only hope was helpful advice. The wolf, after all, had been in his path, Leland was just innocently trying to make his way through. Was he just suppose to ignore the stranger’s conversation with himself? Especially when it sounded so pessimistic. No, definitely not. Leland could be, he hope, an optimistic voice of reason. “What’s forcing you to be a dirty old man, anyhow? Besides the lack of a good bath?” The husky mix grinned at the wolf, hoping his intervening wouldn’t be too rudely received.

Although new in the lands, Leland was already more at ease than he had been days prior. Meeting Iskata had set him a little at ease, she had been accepting enough of his domestic heritage, so perhaps other wolves in the area wouldn’t be too taken back at finding a dog among their ranks. And from what he gathered, at least Iskata’s oggling his strange coat and body, they weren’t too common. Yet, this wolf here, had a strange pelt as well. His body was mostly that of a wolf, but Leland, being the breed he was, could note similarities between the stranger and himself that other wolves lacked, the male’s paws were built similarly like his own. Perhaps where he came from, dogs were allowed to breed with wolves as well? Perhaps their were other clans like his own. Or perhaps the genetics that gave this stranger his patched coat were donated a long time ago, and the only family he did know was wolf. Either way, Leland was pleased to see someone with a coat that reminded him of home. He wondered if the stranger, if he was familiar with how huskies should look, could pinpoint the features that proved Leland carried wolf blood with him, what little there was of it and what little evidence showed.

It didn’t matter. They were both canines. Setting himself down on his haunches, letting his brush-like tail curl about his feet, he waited for the male to say something. And then suddenly, he remembered himself, and his manner. Surely the male would be more receptive of a bit of advice if he at least knew the copper hued husky’s name. “Ah! Sorry sir. Leland, that’s me. And you are?”


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