I'd rather feel pain

Ember’s words seemed all jumbled to Cer, she couldn’t make sense out of them. At least not very much. “No Ember. You have to stay awake. For me? Please?” Cer knew enough that if Ember fell asleep it might be hard to wake her up again, if not impossible. Cercelee was no healer, and she didn’t know how much blood loss it would take to kill someone of Ember’s size, but the blood running down Ember and dripping on the ground seemed like a lot. At least Ember was lucid enough to realize that Cer couldn’t shift and she had bandaged herself. It was a relief. Not that Cer wouldn’t have to shift, but that Ember didn’t seem inclined to fight her. Resist her help, maybe, resent her taking the knife, sure, but Ember wasn’t going to make this impossible for her cousin, and Cer was grateful for that.

“Why can’t you go home?” Cer’s first thought was something Inferni did. Or if not Inferni, Haku. Yet surely she would have heard something of that manner, be it Inferni or the Dahlia Lillium. Those would both be too big for news not to spread, though Haku could have done something in private. Yet Ember said she. She chased Ember, Ember was scared of her. The brace Ember wore must have been caused by whoever the female was, but Cer didn’t understand much more than that. “Who is she? What happened Ember?” Whatever it was, it upset Cer. Anything, anyone did, to hurt Ember this badly, was enough to make Cer angry. And she did not anger easily, not with many people. It was unacceptable and Cer wanted to know who she had to go and knock around.


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