I want to have faith to put away the dagger


Ithiel is by Raze!

Ithiel paid little mind to the smoke, and instead kept his eyes glued to roughly chest-level with Ezekiel, awaiting the man's command. Part of him itched for conquering, the bloodshed and adrenaline that was sure to come with it. These were the only times he felt anything stronger than a twinge -- it was joyous to ride and hunt and kill the enemy, and the most honorable death one could endure to die doing just that. As his Aquila slid down to the earth, Ithiel's eyes watched his gait, unsurprised to find it altered by injury. There were few in Inferni these days without injury or marking, himself among them, and he supposed they were lucky to have suffered no casualties as of yet.

Hell or the jaws of these wolves -- little difference, he said, perhaps Ithiel's version of humor. Theywill come again, and we will be ready for them. Prepared, the man agreed, nodding his head slowly. He saw the better sense of this plan immediately -- there was no doubt they would attack again, and if they attacked while the clan's best warriors were off and away, the blow might be terrible. What good was eradicating a threat to a clan that no longer existed?

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