Bloody Payment
tadaa, meant to reply to this ages ago.

It seemed that destiny was certain today was not going to be a good day for him. Already once this morning his prey had been scared away by a noise outside of his control and now as he watched the deer bound off into the distance, scared by an insulting and overly disrespectful howl from the borders his temper rose and he snarled, teeth snapping together. He was quite a distance away from the one who called in such a manner and given his hulking size it did take him longer to reach the dispute than the other two who were already in attendance.

His mismatched eyes surveyed the scene with an icy gaze, his nose taking in the scent of anger and brewing violence, the tension of it prickled at his spine, and made the fur on his haunches rise. He had upgraded his weaponry since he had last greeted somebody at the borders and now a deadly looking mace hung from his hips, kept in place by a crude leather belt. The dusty man stood tall above all of them as he closed in, formidable in appearance. He caught the tail end of Wayne's speech enough to understand that this altercation was about Hadley, a person Lorenzo was vaguely aware of within Casa.

Also in attendance was Sebastian, the fox colored man as always suave and very attractive even if Enzo did now have somebody to fawn over, he would remember the time they had spent together with fondness. The two who stood on the other side of the borders, the obviously unwelcome if Wayne's stance was anything to go by. A light colored girl and her skinny male companion. He had never met either of them before and yet took an instant disliking to them, especially to the female, she had a twisted, derisive air about her, her scent was cold, harsh and cruel and it ruffled him up in all the wrong ways. He struggled not to simply chase them both away now without even bothering to hear out what they had to say, but his appearance would change the odds if a fight happened, he could easily crush either one of them with his weight. His darker brows were drawn together and lips raised enough to flash the tips of his fangs.

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