[m] [p] the devil's in my coat

Eris is by James!

The dark-furred woman moved from room to room, poking through the occasional drawer. She lifted up a piece of flat wood, debris from the wood, and peeked underneath. She found a dessicated carcass, long dried up. Making a face, the coal-hued hybrid kicked at it with a clawed toe. The corpse, raccoon or oppossum sized, exploded into shreds of dried skin and dust. The woman dropped the piece of wood and moved back toward the central hallway, stopping as she saw a breathless Molcaxitl making her way inside. What is it? The woman's fire-colored eyes were wide and fearful, and the slave could not speak -- the dark-furred Auxiliary watched with growing exasperation as the slave's jaw worked up and down, squeaks and sounds nothing like a properly-formed word escaping her slim coydog's muzzle.

Finally, the slave pointed toward the door, her whole arm shaking visibly. The dark-furred hybrid pushed past her slimmer companion and stepped back out into the bright sunlight. Her mouth formed an ugly snarl and her chartreuse eyes blazed as she saw a stranger standing beside Trader, who hadn't the good sense to recognize Salsolian from outsider. What are you doing? she demanded, standing akimbo on the concrete porch of the sagging brick building. The back toward her was slim, reddish-brown with a dorsal stripe of black following along his spine.

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