my voice upraised to wild swept chords
Tharin wasn't comfortable in his new pack. At all. The cold greeting Noah had given him had completely dampened his enthusiasm for the place. Sure, it was like his old pack, but did he really fit in? They had plenty of warriors and fighters, and Tharin found himself feeling rather withdrawn. Everyone seemed to fit together, but he was just an extra. Deciding to combat this feeling Tharin moved on past it, throwing himself into the pack with all he could. He was still uneasy around the others, something he covered up by acting even more confidant than he really was, tail held proudly.

Being as useful as he could Tharin took himself out to the border, running along the edge. The scent was strong, well marked as could be expected. Occasionally he paused, noting where others had come close. Most of them turned around immediately, with a couple lone ones lingering a bit longer before disappearing. One scent was incredibly powerful though, and was sticking around. A female. Standing at the river Tharin looked out, noticing a cute silver wolf. Hey. What're you doing here?

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