Flip a Coin
The flattening of Fleta's ears almost escaped Kit's notice, but still caught what he took as a shy response to his suggestive undertone. It was tempting to poke a little more, to return to their first meeting of him as the confident male, courting the shy female, but in a rare show of restraint, he decided to save it for later. Mostly because Kit knew that catching the horse would have to come first, regardless of how much smooth talking he could muster. A second best was simply to have Fleta grinning, and holding onto him for support.

The added weight of someone else on his ankle added to the sore pain, but that was soothed by an unexpected nuzzling lick at his cheek, which brought a bright grin to his face as well. Making an attempt to return her lick, with one of his own, before replying to the plan "Sounds like a plan to me Fleta, but your the one that would know where to drive them, so just lead the way my lovely lady friend.". Kit had thrown his trust into Fleta, and would just continue to support her, while going in the direction she suggested, if she suggested one. "Lets get this silly horse trapped so we can go back to that building..." he would add with a teasing tone.

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