Flip a Coin
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OOC Stuffs go here

Terra grinned saucily as she returned to his side. Of course she was clever, relying on her tricks to survive since she was young. The part about being good looking still surprised her though. She might be a pack animal, but she hadn't exactly been an attention grabber. Too young in her birth pack, and everyone mated up or too old for her in her current one. Except the beta and Trent, but she wasn't interested in a weakling, and he hadn't pursued her the way Kit had, with his charming words and manners.

Her nose was licked back, and Terra found herself pulled to Kit. She looked him in the eye, breathless. This was a hug, and she'd given plenty of hugs. This one felt different somehow though. Something was going on, and she wasn't too sure what it was, just that it was making her plenty nervous, even as she liked how it felt being so close to him. His words were starting to sound very suggestive to her, even if she couldn't place why. The horse was trapped, that was a fact, nothing suggestive about that. The neck nuzzling was. Addressed as it being their day was very, very charming. Except that she was unsure about what she wanted to do. Um...th-there's a food cache in a building. Just a few streets down. She wished he would stop doing that. It was hard to think when he did.
Wordcount :: +000

template by revo. <3 - Table and code modifications by Alex


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