Flip a Coin
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OOC Stuffs go here

Kit paused, his breath tingling on her neck. What was he doing to her? He always managed to make her feel this way, tingly and excited, and a little like they were doing something intoxicating. She liked it, but Terra was out of control on this one, a situation she was never truly in, even when tangling with death. The only other times she'd been truly in a situation beyond her control outside of Kit was when she'd first shifted, been in heat for the first time, and almost been killed by the cougar. What this was felt different though. Terra didn't know why, and she was almost afraid of the hot feelings it gave her.

Terra sighed softly with relief as Kit said that he was a bit hungry. Unfortunately, that changed again as he announced that she was all he really wanted at the moment. All he needed. Embarrassed beyond belief Terra's ears flattened to her skull. Looking down Terra found herself staring at his chest, pressed so closely to her own. There wasn't really an escape for this. A light kiss was planted where he'd been nuzzling, drawing a quiet whimper from her, pleased with the affection and still very, very unsure.
Wordcount :: +000

template by revo. <3 - Table and code modifications by Alex


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