she on the rocks sighed every day

xD INDEED FLUFFY PANTS. (I'm so frikkin hyper atm.)

The female was alone. Perhaps the thought crossed his mind by the way she seemed so eager, or maybe it was just that he'd been so lonely for so long he could recognize it. Whatever the matter, the girl seemed nice enough and though he was slightly aware of being butt naked his modesty was beaten in the ground by his past. He was use to having to 'let it all hang out' and so he stood with confidence, smiling kindly at the female before him.

That's a pretty name, he commented, I'm Toby. He let his eyes look to the horse she'd been standing by and gave a small nod with his head. Nice horse. Never rode one, always looked uncomfortable to me. He slowly rest a hand on the horse's neck and gave it a small stroke before he pulled away. Plus pets weren't allowed in the pack I had to live in. His black eyes went back to Pia's, giving a small smile again and letting an awkward silence fall between them so she could get a few words in.

I will not fall, I will not fade.
I will take your breath away!
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Toby Table by Raze.

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