A New Beginning


Word Count → 360

When the blind wolf approached the residence, she had heard a commotion that ended with a puppyish yelp of surprise. Fawkes, who was perched high on the roof of the building, didn't make any noise of alarm at the strange incident. On top of that, there were no cries of pain or worried voices, so Hotaru had chosen to ignore the event. She wanted to focus on greeting the newest members of the pack. Even so, the back of her mind itched as curiosity and worry tried to get the best of her. She had a soft spot for young puppies, one that had been tested on several occasions. Her mind momentarily wandered to Sophie and she wondered how the lost child had faired.

Her knocks were answered fairly quickly and soon she was greeting by the voice and scent of a strange male. Hotaru waited politely as he introduced himself as Temo and gave her a little information about the situation. However, before she could speak the sound of running footsteps approached the grey female and her red ears swiveled as her head turned quickly to face the sound. An overly loud and extremely chipper voice rang out below her as a young female introduced herself and explained that her daddy was working. The corners of her lips turned up as she turned her head back and she said politely, "It is nice to meet you Temo and Pandora. Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Hotaru the Tessitore di Sogno, I specialize in woodworking. When I heard that we had some new members, I thought I would come by and say hello. Is this a bad time?"

Socializing was not her strong point. Most of the time, Hotaru preferred to be alone with Fawkes and when she did have social calls it was with Terra who was strange by anyones standards. She spent her lonely days carving or hunting. Her house was cluttered with failed and successful products, although the successful pieces dominated her rooms. Most of her failed pieces ended up as kindling for fire wood or as testing blocks for designs and recently sharpened knives.

Table by Aly, code by the Mentors!

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