Melodies in the Night
Her eyes opened slowly and she set her guitar down beside her. She jumped slightly at the sound of the new voice. It startled her more than she let on though. Her ears stood at half mast, cautious of this new wolf. She may have been craving companionship, but she was still wary of new wolves. Though, the nature of this wolf was one she adored.

Her posture was laid back and easy going. Hunter saw the curiosity that ran through the wolves mainly blue eyes. She listened to the female speak, and smiled to herself.

Well, I heard it when I was younger. I had stopped and made camp with a traveling group of wolves. They sang the song and I tried to find the right cords to go with the notes they were singing, and finally came up with something relatively close. One of the wolves gave me the sheet music for the song before they left the next morning. All luck I guess. Hunter said shyly. She wasn't going to open up entirely to this she-wolf.

For the first time, Hunter let her eyes wander this stranger. She saw the curve of her body and the way the cloth around her neck fell. She let the details of the coloring of this wolf sink in, and the lines of muscles under her fur. Her eyes quickly left the new wolf, once the stranger's gaze met her nervous one. This wolf was pretty, in Hunter's opinion at least, but you can not trust by looks alone.

You can come and sit if you would like, Hunter muttered shyly. Her voice had some force behind it but not enough to say she was comfortable with the new creature. Hunter just wanted to make sure the wolf was comfortable, and wanted to get to know this wolf that would randomly show up.

How long were you standing there? she said gently, once the wolf had sat down.

Word Count= 322

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