under cover

Alexey felt like a hypocrite. A few days earlier, she had reprimanded Adelaida for picking a fight with a coyote from Esper Hollow. And now, here she was, waging war against a whole clan. Did she even have a choice? The two-year-old had responsibilities now that she was a Dahlian, and one of them was to protect her friends from danger. The Filix remained furthest behind, warm honey-colored eyes surveilling the two youngsters in front of her. In a way, she admired them. They walked with pride, heads held high with confidence and devout loyalty. Fighting definitely wasn't her forte, but she felt responsible for their safety; especially Kol's. She had grown beyond attached to the Stormbringer femme, thus taking it upon herself to keep her from harm's way.

The troop eventually stopped moving forward and Lexey swallowed hard, as if suddenly understanding what was about to happen. This would be her first time fighting in a war and she hoped to be worthy enough. The Kiois female had made a promise to Haku that day, and she was planning to keep that promise regardless of this fight's outcome. She would defend Dahlia de Mai's honor with all her might. Smiling as confidently as she could, Alexey took one more step forward. There was no doubt about it: tonight they would make a name for themselves. Inferni was going to bleed.

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