[M] [AW] I never thought I'd be in bloom...


OOC: Poor scared, innocent Ciara. WC: 5+

Ciara couldn’t help but be surprised when her mate led them across the abandoned highway, an obstacle the calico yearling often avoided. Her paws felt strange as they passed over the concrete, her own nails making the same clicking sounds that her mate’s great white paws were making. She was so confused and curious by the thing that her steps nearly slowed, but she knew that it wouldn’t take long for Augustus to get ahead of her, so she sped up instead. Soon enough they were off the pavement and Ciara felt relieved to be running over familiar territory. Though she seemed so open to change, it did make the golden female uneasy, even the change of taking Augustus as her mate. What if she couldn’t make him happy? Worse, what if she made him unhappy or became annoying to him?

Her thoughts were interrupted by the familiar scent of the ocean, an aroma which eased her almost instantly. She kept her pace with Augustus until he slowed down, earthen eyes turning to the ocean before them and a smile breaking out on her muzzle. The sight of the full moon hanging over the ocean, making it glitter like a thousand tiny diamonds on a blanket of obsidian, was very beautiful. When Augustus reclined to his haunches, Ciara sat back too, brushing her flank to his and sitting close enough that their fur meshed. She was still uneasy about being so forward or at least what she considered to be forward, with him. There was still the fear that he would pull away or become annoyed at her closeness, and the girl was constantly on guard.

Her eyes remained mostly on the ocean in front of them, but she often took a glance at her new mate out of the corner of her eye. He was being quiet again, and cryptic, clearly lost in thought. Her mind was swimming as well, thinking of all the things that their mateship came with. She had no problem with being devoted to him for life, no issues loving him forever or supporting or protecting him. While she loved the thought of pups someday she was sure that she wasn’t quite ready for that, and their relationship was so new that she felt uneasy at the thought of pups. Ciara knew that she and Augustus would have to grow closer and more comfortable in their bond before that could happen. The thought of pups, of course, brought a whole other thought to her mind. Sex. The whole reason she was in heat. The fantasies she’d been having outside of the den had vanished and she was filled instead with a girlish shyness at the thought of them performing the act. Would it be good for him? What if she was bad at it? Did she even have to do anything to be considered good, or basically just stand there? The thoughts made her nervous, and she bit back a whimper, moving instead to push her nose into the thick fur that surrounded her mate’s throat.

If she could survive telling Augustus how she felt, she could survive eventually mating with him physically, as well. Or at least she hoped so.

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