stars in your eyes

OOC: Jazper has no clue what he's doing! XD ermm...I think you should change the rating to M so you can help ruin his innocence.

"Things like that can get you killed you know." He watched her as she picked herself up from on top of him. He almost wished she hadn't. His smile only grew at her comment. Her soft voice was reasuring. He shook his head, "Well, you haven't killed me yet so, i'll assume i'm safe for now." He winked an amber eye at her. Finally she introduced herself, "Firefly...You know, you're weird" "Firefly...beautiful name for a beautiful lady." He teased playfully as she shook his hand.

He layed down on his back, arms behind his head as he regarded the sky above him. "Weird? I supose thats one word to discribe me." His bare chest expanded as he took in a deep breath then lowered as he exhaled. His smiled disapeared. Here he was with a gorgous female and he ha dliteraly ran into her and aparently now he was weird. apparently Lucifer was right, he was nothing like him at his age. He would have been charming this girl and making her laugh. Suddenly he roled over onto his shoulder and looked at her, "did you get off me because i'm different?" His amber eyes looked up at her daring her to say yes. If this was the way Lucifer felt when he say a girl, maybe they weren't so different after all.


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