I've Seen Fire (Laruku)

indent Melisande considered his reply before the next question was even spoken. She felt like it was partly truth that he spoke, and partly a lie. He didn't know what to think, but on the other hand he had to be thinking something. But she didn't say anything about it, after all, thoughts were private for a reason, and if he didn't want to reveal his to her, then he didn't have to. Maybe he didn't want to reveal them to himself. She was sure by now that happened to everyone.

indent What was she thinking? The question surprised her, and she wasn't sure she was prepared to have the ball she threw tossed right back. Of course, if she had been prepared, that would have made the question redundant, the answer fake. She thought about it. It seemed silly, having to pause and say to herself, what are you thinking? But, there were so many layers of thoughts, she had to sort through them to gather the important ones. There were her general feelings, of course, that she liked snow, this weather was nice. That it was good to be home, and that she loved her family. And there were surface thoughts, the question she'd just asked him, and his answer. There were instincts, her ears flicking in this direction and that every so often, her eyes turning toward any stray noise in the distance, cautiously. There was fear, there was hope, other feelings dwelling even deeper. There is something else here, she thought to herself. She loved her family, but somehow that thought didn't connect to this situation. She loved Laruku, but he wasn't her brother. "I love you." It was a random expression, and she wasn't sure what it meant. Was this some sort of weird infatuation carried over from her childhood affection for him? She had surprised herself in the realization of this, and now wondered why she couldn't have just brought up some other thoughts and blurted them out. He didn't need this, it wouldn't make him smile, make him happy. And that was what she wanted. Melisande wanted everyone to be happy, but most of all him. "I'm sorry, I suppose I shouldn't have blurted that out. I don't even know what I mean." She said it with a little sigh. Surely she would always be a little girl, just trying to figure things out.


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