What if I nursed this infection?
Firefly knew she would be in trouble as soon as Cercelee got wind of the fight between her and Ember, but no one within the packlands knew that they were siblings and she had a feeling right now that that secret would be out in the open in no time at all. She was in a bit of a foul mood, she'd warned her sister of what would happen if she kept pushing her but the coal hued lady wouldn't listen and finally outright demanded that they settle it right then and there. Firefly had given her what she'd wished for and her older sister had run for it all after losing.

She'd really fucked up this time and she knew it. She wanted to blame it all on Ember for her childish antics and on Haku for never going outside the playing field of the games that they danced through. She knew she could handle everything with Ember, but she hadn't realized what in the world she'd got lost into until Haku had picked her up last night after she'd laid there in misery, justly beaten for soothing the stranger with the mysterious of a woman. She hadn't expected the rage and anger from her parttime lover, she hadn't even realized how he'd viewed the two of them until the night before, but she was half his age, what did she know of love. She'd fled the sight of him that morning as quick as she could, though to the ache in her heart it wasn't quick enough.

She was moving through the lands quickly as she could, her body bruised and beaten, but not by the actions of her sibling. She shook her head at what had happened and the events that had followed. She hadn't expected the stranger on the beach to have turned on her so suddenly. She'd given him what he'd wanted but out of nowhere the darker side hadn't turned into the dangerous mystery, it'd turned into the savage brutal beast. Her emerald eyes glittered at the painful thoughtsas she slowed down suddenly. The scent of another caught her attention as she snapped her head up quickly, catching sight of another who looked just as preoccupied as she was with her own thoughts. She'd almost attacked the poor lass, thinking that she'd run into that damnable male again but she came up short, realizing her fault. Firefly paused in her patrol of the lands as she turned towards the stranger and called out. "Hello?" She wasn't stupid enough to snap at the poor soul, her anger was at her sibling, herself and the evening before, not the rest of the world. She'd make Ember pay if the rest of the pack found out just who she really was. Just another Sadira... but she'd make that male pay to, worse than her sibling.

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