Because days come and go

Word Count → 377 :: Sorry about the wait. Works been hell.

Flames flickered as they ate greedily upon the new sticks, devouring them in a frightening speed. Slowly he drew his eyes away from the dancing fire, staring silently into the green eyes of the midnight woman, his smug, self-satisfaction showed in the glittering of his eyes and the half smile that sat upon his lips; he knew he was right, knew he'd win and now that she had returned to him, without him having to do anything, just proved the storm coat male to be right. Despite how his attitude towards the night coloured she-wolf may have appeared on the surface, it was a fact that he respected the female's attitude and the way the dark woman refused to submit to his will. Stubbornness was always an appealing trait in canines, alongside humility and the ability to admit when one was wrong; stubbornness he held in trumps, the others he lacked greatly, whilst it seemed the Botis was both strong willed by capable of acknowledging another superior knowledge.

After he words were spoken he said nothing, allowing the silence to stretch on for a moment, blue eyes simply staring at her as he slowly worked things through in his mind. “Yes, well. As I said, I can acquire you a working blade via a trader I am acquainted with; it will take awhile for the blade to arrive, but at least it will be of decent quality unlike some junk idiots try to flog to ignorant fools” he spoke the words, not looking away from her for a second, to make sure the female fully understood that she was an idiot for questioning him before, “And my conditions are simple. That you allow me to instruct you how to use it properly and that you do what your rank states; you craft me something.” pushing off from the table he padded over to her, stopping just shy of the night woman; respecting the others personal space, for once. “Although what, I'll be honest I haven't thought that far ahead yet” he smiled sheepishly at her, unashamed that he hadn't figured out the details of his conditions, considering how things went the last time he had mentioned them. “So how does that sound to you, oh dearest Caprica?”

table by raze; image from wikipedia commons; template from the mentors

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