Feed the Youth
The white female came at a blur towards him. His tail wagged brightly, returning her shower of affection with his own licks and nuzzles, tail held high at their reunion. It was so natural neither of them really thought about how odd others might find the interaction between the two wolves. They weren't pack, yet acted like they were. It was what instinct told them anyways. He chuckled at the words and snatched up the fawn again. Moving as fast as he could without tripping over the food he followed Kiara back to the den. He had no idea what she meant by difficult stage, but they were probably old enough to start moving now, so perhaps that was the problem?

Arriving at the den site Tharin was more than happy to deposit the fawn. His jaws had started aching, carrying something so big in it for so long. Yawning he stretched out his jaw, shaking out the ache. Tail swishing he waited patiently for Kiara to go check on the pups and make sure that they were alright, again making sure that there was enough distance between the den and him. He wasn't pack, as much as he felt like it, and had no connection with Kiara besides them escaping the virus together. He'd stay where he wouldn't have to face the young mother's wrath and paranoid fear.

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