Feed the Youth
Kiara was in the den but an instant before returning again, tail wagging brightly. His own wagged in return, pleased by her reappearance. Hearing that their eyes were open Tharin's eyes widened with excitement. That was great! They must have been doing really well, healthy without any sickness to be clambering around making so much trouble for their young mother. Knowing that the pups were doing well bolstered his heart, making him glad to be there. Pups were so important, even if they weren't his own. Yes it is. I know how difficult it must be, feeding yourself while the pups are determined to get into trouble. Your...pack isn't at the greatest size either, so I figured you wouldn't mind the extra help.

It was a bit awkward, touching on the fact that her pack was so weak, that they were divided, but he managed to say it without too much hesitation, able to hand her the fawn. A yip brought the attention of both wolves to the den. His tail wagged brightly as he saw for the first time the pups that she was caring for. A snow white one, standing there and staring at the grass with amazement, another with brown marking his white coat stumbling away. It was an amusing sight, bringing a chuckle from him as Kiara went to the rescue, picking up both pups and shoving them back in where they belonged. She settled down in the mouth of the den, and Tharin picked up the fawn, cautiously moving closer before laying down. They look like a handful. Do they have names?

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