spring brings out the birds

I thought it was my terrible first post. ;p It wasn't exactly inspired... hopefully this one is better. actually, I'm fairly sure it's not, but I can't put this off any longer.

A yelp alerted Alma to the presence of someone else. Her ears flicked backwards, and she gave a glance in the direction she heard the sound. There was a hint of vague recognition in her eyes - this wasn't a new clanmate; she'd seen her somewhere before. Probably at one of the meetings, Alma thought, and tried to prod her mind into remembering.

That attempt did not last for long, because the cry of several robins caught her attention. The coyote looked up to see a flurry of chattering robins following an owl with a bird in its claws, and another owl coming up behind to chase the group. For a moment she forgot about the newcomer, and simply watched the display with wide-eyed fascination.

She didn't know much about birds, but she knew just enough to realize that it was unusual for an owl to be about in the daytime. When the robins had escaped and the two owls had landed, Alma rolled on her side and leaned on her good hand to see what was going on. She stared in silence, watching the unfamiliar coyote-girl's actions towards the birds. She recognized her now, or thought she did. The Discens had seen her and the owls at her first clan meeting. She had meant to ask her about the birds when she had first seen them, but it didn't seem right to interrupt her leader's talking just for that - and afterwards, things had been so chaotic that it slipped from her mind.

"I am Alma." she replied to the coyote-woman's question. "I make bows. Archery." Her voice was not as slow and deliberate as when she'd first joined the clan - she even used contractions occasionally - but it could be rather clipped at times. Her eyes fell to one of the owls. The coyote shifted her weight to get a better look, and awkwardly sat up by using her good arm to support herself. "How do you take care of those? Where do you get one? How do you hatch an egg?" As per usual when she'd met someone who had birds, she had a thousand questions to ask. For now, she was wounded and couldn't take care of any creature, but when she had healed... perhaps her dreams of attack-eagles would come to bear fruit.

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