Bitter Moments
Fayne shook her head quickly pushing away the thoughts. It was just a bad dream, horrible actually. But, just a dream. It wasn't real, no matter how real it felt. Her eyes darted back up to Tharin, hoping he'd share with her. A look of dismay crossed her face when he evaded the question and her apparent curiosity with his sweet words. His past must be a subject he didn't want to discuss and she understood that. She didn't particularly like talking about her own past. It was painful to think back to those times, but it would be nice to have someone to open up to and share the pain that could be so overwhelming. It wasn't so important to her that she would bother him to share and hurt him in the process. She covered up her chagrin with a congenial smile and a nod hoping it wasn't obvious. Come to think, a walk could be nice right now, it would entertain her mind and keep it from the thoughts that threatened her. "I would love to go on a walk with you. It's a nice night, since we're up we might as well enjoy it."

A sudden excitement overcame her when she realized the perfect place to go right now, her ears perking happily with the thought. "Come Tharin, I know the perfect place to go right now." She stood and walked a few steps tossing her head in the direction they would be traveling. She stepped from one paw to the other impatiently waiting for him to follow her. The meadow, she had been there multiple times already. It was such a beautiful, almost ethereal, place. Even at night it was like magic. You could always hear a symphony of sounds radiating from the surrounding forest and the flowers smelled lovely. It was the kind of place you went to if you needed to relax. She'd already grown attached to the meadow in the short time she's been here, going there often practice her hunting skill on small game which was plentiful there. Of course they never improved, but she was determined to become better and never gave up.

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