my voice upraised to wild swept chords
She seemed determined to sweep him along with her high spirits. It was difficult to remain serious in the face of something so sweet and happy. His tail swished behind him a few times before he managed to stop it, trying to remain looking like a serious border guard instead of another overgrown puppy just like her. She backed up a few steps, making him relax even further, tail wagging lazily behind him. He cocked his head at her introduction. Pia. That was a nice name. It fit the energetic wolf bounding before him. He felt like he'd been assigned to watch over her, looking around for dangers that a pup could get into, keeping her out of trouble even knowing she was the same age.

Her words came out in a rush again, barely intelligible. She apologized, so briefly Tharin almost missed it, before continuing to talk about the pack. So she'd been curious. That was understandable. Any pup would be curious about a large group of wolves. No, he had to stop that. She wasn't a puppy. No matter how much she reminded him of one. He followed the direction of her head, looking with some curiosity. I'm new here too. I haven't done much venturing out of the pack, but it's very different from where I come from. His words were softer than he would have thought they'd have been, smiling down at her.

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