if the futures been drawn out then nobody’s living
She nodded, agreeing with his words, while she stared at her hands. She often worked them — twisting them together and such — whenever not actively moving. It was a bad habit that she had acquired long ago, from a nervous compulsion of not moving constantly. She barely knew that she did it anymore, and those that had been around her long enough had mostly stopped noticing too. She lost herself in her memories for a moment, trying to recount all the places that they had been in the past year. Too many to count on her fingers, and that was for sure. Sometimes she hadn’t even really known that they had gone from one group to another — she had simply followed Laurel.

The reason why she did so was something she grappled with as well. She did enjoy his company, that was for sure, but sometimes she wondered if he did the same. Maybe he was too polite to ask her to scram… or maybe their relationship was mutually beneficial. She hoped so. She couldn’t help feeling paranoid about it, but mostly felt guilty about feeling paranoid. Yes, it was complicated, and that was why she didn’t really think much about it. She dispelled the thoughts quickly when Laurel spoke up once more.

Nikita shrugged. “He certainly seemed… enthusiastic about the idea and everything,” she said. “And he certainly seems like a really nice guy. Hopefully all of that will carry over and he’ll work hard for this new pack.” Despite herself, she picked up the bottle once more and took another swig. “As of right now, I think our little group is pretty able-bodied. And hopefully it’ll only get stronger.”

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