[M] Gorgeous nightmare

OOC here!

Amy licked her lips as she shifted her weight, preparing to fight. She twisted, shimmying her body, clearly trying to distract him. His eyes looked over her body only for a moment as he looked back up at the daggers in her hands. He had the other assassins throwing knife and could have taking other weapons the man would have but didn’t feel the need to use any of them.

She swiftly came at him, aiming a knife at his collarbone. Thanatos leaned back, avoiding the attack altogether but was unable to block the knee to his stomach in time as he got back up. Amy moved back, putting distance between them. She seemed to be judging how he would handle the attacks. He kept a blank face as he met her eyes, standing up straight. Thanatos didn’t feel pain, he had been beaten so many times as a pup and as he grew that he simply didn’t feel it anymore. An evil little smirk appeared on his face as he looked at Amy. My turn.

Thanatos rushed straight for her but at the last minute, changed direction and moved to her side. He brought a leg up and sent it to her stomach, hoping to push her back further. He reached up to try and grab onto her throat to force her down to the ground. Thanatos wasn’t going to hold back, this was a test to see how well he could match or best her abilities. He jumped back, putting distance between them again.

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