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She lays down on the sidewalk
Never very analytical
She is something simply beautiful
Re-appear when you feel magical
WC :: + OOC ::

The Ganesa woman was tired and she was no longer on the edge of wanting to fight. Her nerves and anger had finally settled down. Yawning the golden demon loosened the black cloak. She had gone back to black after deciding that the white retained blood and showed it to much. She let out a huffed snarl to herself. The children were scattered around the pack and she was none to pleased that she didn't always know their where abouts.

Gold ears rotated as she heard a call and the light snarl she had made grew a little loader. She was surviving now with out the Berlin woman. She would chase the coyote hybrid off. She would not be welcomed here not even to see the children. She had dumped the other two here and had left aeron with two prior. She looked at Zenna and then to Elzar.

duty my dear duty Zenna Chimed. the feline barely spoke now a days but to advise Aeron to keep her temper in check. The once Oriax could not help but still keep her advisers she had worked hard to have them trained. Shou go a head of me Aeron called as she headed to the call.

Zenna perched her self securely on Aeron shoulder as they began to move. She was not sure why Io had come back and Aeron was not going to listen to garble. She had duties and children to care for. Not to mention helping Charm come back to health. Aeron would not allow the woman to just curl up and die on her. She slowed as she spotted the woman sitting on the borders edge. her posture changed from lax to very dominant. She was a leader now and would act as such. Choking back anger was not something the coy did well. What brings you to the land of sin? Aeron asked golden eyes cold and hard looking down at her.

To back in the days when we were young
When everything was like a loaded gun
Ready to go off at any minute
Yeah you know we're gonna win again

Template by Revo Modifications by Nat and Marie <3


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