Pregnancy question(s)
For figuring out a pregnancy, it probably depends entirely on the Luperci, how sensitive they are to their own body, etc. Some Luperci are probably very self-attuned and would notice quickly that they feel "off" -- whether they attribute it to pregnancy or not, though.

On two opposite ends of the spectrum: Tlantli realized a few days after it happened, primarily because she was being hypervigilant and looking out specifically for signs of pregnancy. Eris never realized she was pregnant with Basilaris, because he was a single-child litter, she was not paying attention at aaaaall, and she was still breastfeeding at that point.

For showing, it probably depends on a) litter size and b) luperci size (bigger ladies show less) primarily. Probably around a month/six weeks, she'd start showing? @_@

I don't think we have actual information about this written down anywhere, and I just woke up, so this may be entirely incoherent. My apologies. XD

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