and though we have sinned all of our lives

human things confuse Anu!

It was beginning to become more apparent that the werecreatures of these parts acted more human then she was used to. In a world filled with wolves and coyotes that wore clothes would she begin to feel naked in her own fur? Where they carried weapons, small but sharp as blades and large blunt as the one this yote carried would Anu fall victim to some type of random act of violence? Or more unimaginable and horrid, participate in the performance?

The questions were to much for her to think over at the moment. She had quite a bit to think about at the current time. While he spoke she listened intently, gathering the information that would hopefully help her through the forest. Spiders as large as his paw? Anu fought the urge to look down at her own paw to compare and really see how large they might get. Instead she returned his introduction.

“Anu, I’m new to Phoenix Valley”, her name and pack rolled off her tongue as she noticed that his paw was raised in between them. It was obvious that it was her paw that he sought, but was this to hold it, or for a brief touch of comradeship? Anu stretched her arm out and placed her smaller hand in his palm downward.

It was warm to the touch, and the gesture sealed Anu’s new friendship toward Laurel. Strangers went from unknown to friends in a very short interview moment in Anu’s mind. Even with all her notions of violence and hostility she was still trusting and eager to befriend anyone and everyone.

“So you will be able to bash the larger ones with your weapon, right? In case they dry off quickly.” Blue eyes moved to the tress around them, then back to his face. A smile of eager pleading filled her face, he would protect her right?


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