Writing to reach you

OOC: Shush it, of course you do roleplay

Urma followed the wolf's words closely, feeling for the millionth time a huge sense of gratitude towards Pilot for having brought her here. Every wolf seemed to be nice in this pack, welcoming, somehow glad to help every newcomer. Even if she felt like the child of the pack, to whose needs everyone had to cater, she tried her best to find uses to whatever hidden skills she might possess. She could read, but she had no idea if she would be able to teach someone that, as
Mörker had taught her. But she was certain that she had to know more things than that, and the only thing that stopped her from passing that knowledge on was virtually her lack of self-confidence. "Lubomir it is, then," she acquiesced. "I was by no means trying to imply that you were in any way old," she apologized, shifting the ground with her paw in an embarassed way. She blushed a little when he addressed her so cordially, and averted her gaze from his as she replied, meekly, "Urma. Not much of a lady's name, I'm sorry" she smiled apologetically.

Her attention immediately snapped back when he mentioned books. Although she hadn't had the opportunity to read much, the few things she had, namely the couple of books Mörker possessed and had silently been passed on to her following his death, as well as the letters he wrote her, which had sadly been lost in the shipwreck, Urma had enjoyed. But she hadn't picked up that there were books within Shadowed Sun as well, although she should have figured it out, considering it was a pack of learning, as Pilot had described it. But as he continued and ultimately finished his sentence, Urma's eyes widened. "There are wolves here who can write? Would they be able to teach? Would you be able to teach me?" She hoped she'd prove a fast learner, and a good pupil. She didn't mean to be in the way, and she hoped Lubomir could see this for himself.


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