
Word Count → 308 :: Sorry for the wait dear!

Cerberus listened to the blind woman intently, like a child learning from an elder. The concept of love was something that he’d always been curious about, and it was something that he’d never had any clue as to how it felt or even worked. She mentioned that there were many kinds of love, and this he somewhat knew. He loved his parents and brother, and he loved his friends. But it was the third kind of love that was foreign to him. All his life he’d only ever flirted with others and viewed them as a means of attention and entertainment. He never sought a relationship from them, but for some reason he felt pain when he lost them. This, he thought, was a big problem.

Don’t worry about it, he said in response to her apology as well as his own feelings. I appreciate you answering my question. I suppose love is a foreign thing to me, and therefore no, I haven’t ever been ‘in love’ before. But perhaps you’re right – perhaps I just haven’t found my mate yet.

It was a comforting thought, for nearly all the women (and even men) Ceri had met thus far were taken or ended up being taken. He feared he’d forever be a lone wolf, forced to wander the wilderness without any sort of companion. This, in all truthfulness, was what fueled his desire to flirt with both men and women – he was scrambling for any sort of companionship, he saw now. Taking Wander’s hand in his, he gave it a gentle squeeze and then lifted it to his face so she could “see” that he was smiling at her. He didn’t dare wonder if he would find a mate in this woman, but instead enjoyed her company and hoped that they could at least remain in each other’s lives.

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