Old Friends & New Memories

Word Count → 275 :: Sorry for the wait guys!

Cerberus didn’t understand why things had gotten so tense so quickly, but he assumed that it was because that’s just how things worked with slaves and their masters. He hated it, but he wouldn’t risk putting Dhiate in danger if there was a chance of it. Bowing his head to the woman before him, he felt a pang of an odd rejection in his chest as he saw Dhiate curl away into the arms of another, and Ceri’s tail tucked even tighter between his legs.

You don’t have to, he said in answer to the woman’s question. I am satisfied where I stand. I realize that things are different now, and that you are in charge of Dhi-…my friend. I will willingly stand down – I do not wish to start a fight.

What’s gotten into me? he wondered. Normally I’d stand up for a friend without question… It’s too dangerous, that’s all. Cerberus took a step back from the group and averted his gaze, resting his palms flat against his thighs. He wanted to clasp them behind his back, but he knew this fae probably wouldn’t like that either, perhaps thinking he was hiding something. In an attempt to cut the tension, Ceri smiled shyly at the woman and lifted his tail in a weak wag, removing his gaze from hers once more in order to glance back at the knife they’d discussed earlier. So, he said, standing a little taller, I’d be happy to trade if you’d like to. From that moment on, Ceri put mental blinders on – he wouldn’t pay even the slightest bit of attention to Dhiate unless this woman permitted it.

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