Bitter Moments
Fayne brightened at his words, releasing a stream of babble. His tail wagged, glad that she had brightened up at his words. It seemed that his agreement had meant a lot to her. Flowers being awake, full of color, the image of the silver wolf continually coming here, playing with the various creatures. It was actually pretty charming, thinking about it. She might not be as carefree as she always acted, but the flower meadow still held a powerful image of Fayne, happy as she could be out here. Hearing that there was plenty of small game his tail wagged. Perfect for catching a quick snack then, and could relax there as well.

Perfect wasn't perhaps the word that he'd use to describe the meadow. Wonderful, quite nice, useful all came to mind. Perfect didn't. Perhaps he simply didn't care for how similar it was to where he lost Akira, or that it didn't have the big game that he loved chasing down. Either way, it wasn't the word that came to mind. Tharin stepped over to where Fayne was, looking curiously at the flowers. They all looked the same. That is, until she touched one. It was like setting off a herd of deer, a bright wave of color flashing across the metal, a bright glittering ripple of gold under the cool moonlight. Wow... That was the most amazing thing he'd ever seen. That's incredible! His tail wagged crazily, taking in the sight. Stepping over he nudged another flower, waiting for it to do the same thing. Disappointingly, it didn't.

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