Feed the Youth
Kiara swelled with his words, looking gloriously amazing. She was the perfect picture of a mother, protecting the children with all her being, at peace and still managing to look wonderful. The smile that she gave off brought in his own, fangs flashing as his tail wagged, listening to the thump of her tail inside the den. It was surprising that it was the only noise coming from inside, the whimpers and cries that came from eager pups gone. He craned his head a little, wondering what was going on, before quickly settling back down, acting like he hadn't been curious about the silence. He didn't want to worry her after all.

Standing he backed up as Kiara did, looking over to see if everything was okay. Kiara was at peace, so they must have just fallen asleep. He wagged his tail happily at her approach, noting her cheerful manner. Without warning she pounced though, leaping into the air. Tharin bounded back, tail wagging as she hit into a play bow. Growling he quickly mirrored her, reaching out a paw to spank at the ground. The pair danced around before Kiara charged, aiming to grab at his scruff. Twisting out of the way Tharin prepared for a rebuttal, jaws snapping to grab at her own and drag her down, tail wagging the entire time at the start of the game.

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