I know promises fade away
sing, sing unto me the pleasure and pain

reveal to me the reasons my love's not in vain

Word Count → 233 :: Wheeee. <3 You can archive once you've read or post again or whatever you waaant. :3

Vesper had not truly understood the meaning of the word “friend” until she had reached Nova Scotia. She had been friends with perhaps one coyote, and she’d broken that relationship by becoming a one-time killer. It wasn’t until she’d met the wolves here, charming and beautiful, as well as realized what the members of her clan meant to her, that she’d understood. She’d gotten over her selfish, aloof nature to actually make friends.

And she could count Tayui as a dear one. She wasn’t sure if that was a logical conclusion or an emotional one, but she figured she couldn’t feel as warm as she did with just a stranger.

Wordless, she whimpered agreement and returned the canine embrace the best she could, nestling into her. She wasn’t used to being the one held in any situation, but she didn’t mind with Tayui. She allowed herself a moment to feel safe and secure, her eyes closed and her ears pressed to the beat of the white woman’s heart, and then she withdrew with a sincere smile and a wag of her tail.

“I should probably return to the clan,” Vesper said apologetically. “Like I said, though, you know where to find me.” She reached up to give the other a girlish lick on the nose, which was so much unlike her, but she smirked crookedly regardless. “Farewell for now, my devilishly dashing darling.”

vesper lupus by me; table code from the Mentors!

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