What if I nursed this infection?

Alexey's body tensed up immediately as a 'hello' rang out; the greeting had completely caught her off guard. She had been so wound up in her own little train of thoughts that she hadn't noticed anyone coming her way. In times of war such as these, this kind of carelessness was unacceptable: the Koios femme could only reprimand herself for not paying more attention to her surroundings. Luckily enough though, the stranger bore the smell of Dahlia de mai. Golden-speckled orbs met the younger she-wolf's emerald gaze before proceeding to examine her from head to toe. It seemed like she too, had gotten into a fight. Except hers, unlike Alexey's, obviously had been physical. And whoever had gotten a hold of her sure had pulled a number on her pretty face. The Filix didn't know whether she should ask the standard 'Are you alright?' inquiry or not. Instead, she chose another route; a question the teenager could reply to without feeling pressured into giving too many details. If she wanted to talk about it though, Alexey would listen. "Hey. Rough week for you too, huh?" She smiled sympathetically, fully aware that it was impolite to ask about her wounds. She left it at that for the time being.


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