just a rat in a cage.

!@#$%It was a game of cat and mouse, and they were both dogs. The gods couldn't concoct something more delightful if they tried, he reckoned. But, oh, how he was mistaken! He'd now caught the scent of this stranger, and he knew it all too well--Dahlia de Mai. Of course, the thought of tormenting this fellow or taking him out now jumped to the forefront of his mind, but that wasn't twisted enough. Anselm didn't always operate so simply. How much more fun would it be to simply toy with him, to see him panic? In battle one knew the enemy... in this desolate labyrinth, he could become whatever monster he pleased with only a bit of imagination.

!@#$%Wide eyed, he watched as the dark wolf appeared tentatively by the stairs. He seemed disoriented and perhaps a bit confused--once the other glanced away, Anselm scooted off quickly further down the hall. As he moved, he purposefully allowed his shoulder to bump against one of the office doors. It creaked loudly and Anselm grinned. Taking an immediate left into the land of cubicles, he entered one at once and jumped lightly onto the desk. Some papers shuffled around, but he ignored them.
!@#$%What he did next could not be accomplished as gracefully or quietly if he didn't train as religiously as he did. From a standstill, he crouched down low, then sprung up into the air. His momentum carried him over the top of the cubicle and he landed, as predicted, on a desk on the other side. They were all set up similarly enough for him to know that this would work. He now jumped down to the carpeted floor once more and exited the cubicle, only to weave around past another. Following the hallways meant that it would take much longer to get here, rather than leaping over the top. It was a manoeuvre designed to perplex and confuse.
!@#$%Crouching low and becoming deathly silent once more, he tiptoed forward and squinted down the hallway, this time under the cover of a toppled office chair. If he saw Des moving past the hallway toward the creaky door, he'd know his plan had worked. If not, he would just have to pull some more tricks out of his sleeve. His ears pressed forward as he listened intently.

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