Melodies in the Night
Hunter perked up at hearing those two things come out of Dara's mouth. She was bisexual after all, and she didn't have a mate. Hunter slowly tried to form a plan in her head. She wasn't just going to wing this. She needed to have an idea of what she wanted to accomplish with this wolf and chance meeting. She needed to keep this wolf close to her and, maybe, she would even go with Dara. She saw how honest, open, and spastic Dara was. It compelled Hunter to keep close to Dara. Dara was quickly becoming the closet wolf to Hunter, and that was hard to do. Breathing deeply, Hunter stayed quiet and watched Dara move closer to her. The cool spring night wind had picked up a bit since they first sat down. Smiling she tired her first move. Cold darling? she asked, before moving right next to Dara, skin touching skin. The parts of her that were touching Dara were warmed up.

Dara's question caught her off guard. She hadn't really thought about a pack but maybe she should. Uh, well no. I haven't thought about any packs. But, I would like one that has some respect for the arts. That much is set. What pack do you belong too? Hunter muttered gently, seeing as Dara was very close to her now.

I forgot to mention that I'm bisexual too. That just slipped my mind entirely. Hunter could smell Dara's scent strongly now. She had an earthy smell, like the woods, and fire. The smoky scent seemed to be on her strong than it should be. Even with a fire roaring, the smell was strong. Hunter wanted to lay her head on Dara's head or shoulder, but she resisted.

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