Feed the Youth
Tharin's jaws hit around her scruff. Tail wagging he pulled her down, standing so that he was partly over her. Tail raised high he growled playfully through his grip, shaking his head a little. He looked down at the creamy white wolf, happy to have someone to play with in such a relaxed manner, not worried about what they would be doing. A whine came from Kiara, Tharin pausing for a moment before tightening his grip, another low growl coming from him. The wolf began to contort, twisting about in his grasp. He jerked his head up, trying to keep his hold on the writhing wolf.

Paws pushed at his chest, increasing the distance between the wolves even further. His jaw began to hurt, and he finally released Kiara, tired from the strain of not biting down too hard while managing to keep a hold on her. She rocketed across, reaching the other side of the den. He bowed down again, whining playfully for her to come and get him. Again she came forward, but this time his ear was grabbed. The delicate appendage was grasped and tugged, a surprised yelp coming from Tharin as he danced around the smaller wolf, trying to figure out how to get free.

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