From start to finish...I cover it all
OOC | WC :: +400

When her nose touched his muzzle Noah reacted rather strangely, making Fayne pull back quickly and lower her head not sure if she'd done something wrong or not. His eyes opening and looking at her in a startled kind of way, as if she'd surprised him with the soft touch. A loud swallow could be heard from the male's throat. She cocked her head at him and simply smiled, her eyes pleading for his forgiveness if she had in fact done something wrong. The shy canine that she truly was emerging for a split second, before she recaptured her false dominant essence. Fayne raised her head once more too gaze into the male's pretty blue eyes, just before he spoke. She had never thought about how she acted around others. But, she was rather kind to everyone she met if they gave her a reason to be.

She smiled genuinely at him, her tail swaying lightly behind her. What kind of life had she been living? Her eyes, darkened just a little at the thought of her past. Well, it wasn't exactly a simple and happy life. She had never stayed in the same place for more than a few weeks at a time, her family moving to escape the spread of the virus. Then, Drosnav launched the attack and her family was forced to run splitting into two groups along the way. Her older sister caring for Fayne and her younger siblings, while her mother and father took a different path with some of her pack mates and Rowan. After that, Ezreal left her and her siblings to fend for themselves. She was constantly on alert, had been forced to fight off a few rogues and dangerous predators with the help of her siblings. That was a challenge. As well as watching over her family, taking charge. Which she didn't really mind. Though, it was nice being part of New Dawn. She had wolves to watch her back and she could finally relax. How did she remain so kind after all of that, it was a harsh life. The answer was unknown, but she liked who she was. Standing firmly for her beliefs.

Fayne's eyes shifted to the ground as she quickly reviewed her previous living situations, and how to adequately answer Noah's question, meeting his orbs once she was finished. "Well...I traveled a lot. Took care of my brother and sisters for a long while, living without a pack. It wasn't the easiest life, but it wasn't the worst either. I love my siblings...I hope they're safe and sound. The four of them had split up when the time was right, to find packs and be safe. She hadn't seen or heard from them for about a month now. What if something had happened to them? Fayne's face became solemn as she contemplated their whereabouts. Factoring in the worst scenarios, and the best ones. She'd forgotten that the silver brute was standing in front of her, lost in thought.

"Even if you stumble, you're still moving forward." <3
template by revo. <3 mods by nat


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