Blue Monday

indent The crossbow had been a wise decision on his behalf—Ahren settled into a pattern in which he was able to hunt without as much effort as previously imagined. With his handicap (even though he hated calling it such), this became a necessity. Crouched low, catching snow in his hair, the red-eyed male had been awake for hours. He had intended to hunt deer, but no suitable specimens had crossed his path. Finally, fed up and hungry, he stood up and unloaded the crossbow, hooking it over his shoulder. From here, work turned into habit; not one minute after the fact, the three year old was heading off smoking.
indent What stopped him was a familiar scent. Two familiar scents, actually. His head spun, and found the source in a young girl. Clearly, she was a hybrid—and clearly, through an educated guess, he assumed she was one of Laruku’s children. She did look like her mother, at least in the face. It didn’t bother him as much as it did before; Ahren didn’t feel anything. “You’re up early,” he offered, taking another drag on the burning stick.


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