echoes off of dusty walls.

!@#$%Anselm kept his centre of gravity low as she ploughed into him. Honestly, he couldn't say what she hoped to accomplish with this manoeuvre--she was lighter than he was, and he wasn't trying to balance on a tripod of legs. He gave maybe two inches, but his claws dug into the soft earth and he lashed out with his fangs, attempting to strike her with the shoulder she used to hit him, since it was right in his face. Unfortunately, she was snapping at him, too, and he felt the distinct sting of teeth connecting with flesh.

!@#$%After attempting another quick series of slashes, he back-pedalled quickly to put some distance between them. He was waiting. Waiting for the shock to go away and leave her with the full realisation of her injury, perhaps... or maybe waiting for her to lunge after him on three legs. If she chose to attack, he'd be ready--he kept his head low to protect his throat and his eyes focused intently. If she chose to limp away, though, he would let her. He didn't know her, and for Anselm, that still counted for something. Whatever her deal was with Gabriel, he hadn't heard of it, and he wanted to form his own opinion on the matter before he committed yet another act of senseless murder.
!@#$%Now's your chance, he thought, listening to the deafening silence of the forest as all of life seemed to be on pause. His hackles were lowered accordingly--if she didn't see her opportunity here or decide to take it, it wasn't his fault.

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