looking up

Word Count :: 000 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.

Aeron was making her rounds it was nothing special and the day was passing by with ease. The sun was high in the sky and the Atheed rode her large stallion. The male seemed to not be bothered by the slow pace in which they moved along the land. It made it so much more fun as the stallion gave a small buck testing Aeron.

Aeron yawned as she gripped the reigns. Hey don't make me turn you into glue. She teased as the male bucked her again. He was spit and she was vinegar. Together they were a pair that could not be stopped.

A wolven howl echoed over the land and aeron urged the goofy horse forward. He whinnied and moved forward though he couldn't help himself but take a step back or to the side trying to throw her off her game. Aeron huffed, Come on it could be important. She said as he huffed. Aeron rolled her eyes coming upon the scent of the male. He was in Lupus and aeron kinda laughed a little to herself. Greeting She spoke pulling on the reigns to slow the stallion.

quote courtesy of Assassins Creed brotherhood; table by the Mentors!

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