gradually the movement stops


ems is by nat.

ooc; weow

The evening was still young and so was the figure padding through the sand silently, two felines in tow. Her gaze was aimed downward, concentrating on the steps that she took rather then where she was going. This had been her life lately, the yearling had changed and she still didn't know if it was for the better or for the worse, her mind had been swimming with thoughts as she played the battle in her head, every block, every connection with his skin, every blood droplet dripping down her body was scrutinized, criticized, and sometimes grudgingly praised. One thing was for sure though, she now felt she fit her blood thirsty coyote clan and had dropped her peace-loving ways for the most part.

The woman had taken steps to ensure she was more fit for battle and scouting, she practically lived on the borders and constantly trained, weather it was by herself and with a tree or with her lynx kits teaching them to hunt, her physic as it healed slowly, had become more muscular and lean. Her body fat was low now, and when she walked she felt the difference that the constant exercise had taken on her, slowly she was becoming quicker, she had more endurance, and her skills were increasing to her pleasure. Practically everyday she was practicing with her arrows and the bow her friend Alma had gifted her.

Quiet mewing jerked her from her thoughts and she looked up, one of her kits sounding the alert that someone was near and she smiled, slowly her hunting partners were learning to track scents and whatnot from their surroundings and she knelt down to give a rewarding scratch to the light-furred male, Gabriel. His darker-toned sister, Kimbrah looked on to the flickering light a little further down on the beach and mewed, looking at Emmanuelle curiously. What was that light coming from? Motioning to the two kittens, if you could call them that, the trio traveled down the sand quietly, as if they were stalking prey.

They weren't, but it was a good lesson to her charges. As they neared the rocky outcropping that had a male on it lighting a fire, she stood up and cleared her throat, announcing her presence. Hello. She said simply, her wheat colored wavy hair spilling softly over her shoulders and her mis-matched eyes glinting in the gentle firelight.

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