Get it off My Mind
This is where Zalen will take Ceri out of the Pariah rank. Smile

Zalen had tried doing what his mate had begun doing; climbing the trees and jumping from large bough to bough like a squirrel. But frankly, the large Alpha wolf was not as flexible or lithe as his life partner, so he had refrained from any acrobatics and instead lazed out on a thick limb of an elm tree.

He hadn’t fallen asleep, no, he couldn’t do that such a height, but instead had found himself starting to watch the higher world around him, one he did not see often. The golden dabbled sunlight illuminated a scene of mundane yet spectacular nature, and the dark wolf’s green eyes drank in every second of it. Butterflies flitted about, looking for mates to dance with; squirrels, though they saw him and chittered confusedly, did the same as the butterflies. Everything seemed to be twitter pated, even the dull-witted tree lizard that walked over Zalen’s wrist, bogging his head trying to attract a female that was not there. Zalen smiled and lay his regal head against outstretched arms; he loved Spring.

Then, a few paces off, the chaotic flutter the trees to his left. Zalen raised his head just in time to watch a blue feathered thing fall to the earth below, and when he peered through the thick leaves to see if it was dead, spotted Cerberus, the Pariah. Zalen perked his ears and watched with head cocked slightly to the side as the male, whom he had not seen in some time, help the bird rather than eat it, which is what Zalen most likely would have done. The alpha was amused and humbled by the lowest ranking member’s action, That was very kind of you Cerberus. He said from above.

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