Get it off My Mind

Oh wonderful, how exciting! Thanks for hopping in Smile;width:400px;height:150px;border:1px solid black;">

Cerberus nearly jumped out of his skin when the hearty voice of his alpha tumbled from the trees just as the bird had. He looked up, merely to confirm that it was in fact Zalen, and then immediately crumbled into a bow of submission, as was habit. Fortunately, this act had become easier with practice, and he no longer curled his lip in silent discontent when he bowed. And truthfully, when the mottled coywolf really thought about it, he held no ill feelings for his pack members. They had taken him in, given him a second chance, and refrained from ridiculing him when they certainly had the chance. Instead it was more that he disliked the feeling of not being able to aid his pack to his utmost ability. So, in exchange for submitting despite his upset, he now submitted as if it were just as much habit as was breathing.

But what was it that Zalen had said? That he had in fact done a good thing? That he was pleased with him? No, no he was reading too much into it. He’d told him that he had been kind; nothing more. But this was enough to put a smile on the hybrid’s face. Shuffling his paws shyly beneath him, he chuckled and lowered his head even further. Thank you Zalen, he said, his voice extending to the ebony male despite being near the ground, I appreciate that.

Suddenly it dawned on him that Zalen was actually in a tree. A tree. Ceri’s eyes widened in wonderment and he glanced up at the lounging alpha in a moment of forgetfulness. But he immediately averted his gaze again, all the while puzzling over how he’d gotten up there. Zalen, sir, he said, his brows pinching together in question, may I ask, what are you doing up there?


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