Get it off My Mind
OOC text

Zalen watched as the surprised Cerberus genuflected exuberantly before him. He smiled at this; Zalen was not a one to look down upon his subordinates, thinking he better than they, but he genuinely appreciated when those lower than him in rank showed submission. He felt it was a showing of trust in him when they did that, and it gave him a sense of peace and comfort.

The Pariah thanked Zalen for his kind words and asked cautiously what he might be doing up in the tree. Zalen could not help but chuckle, Honestly, I have no idea. And with that he stretched out his long limbs and swung himself off the branch to land at Cerberus’ side. He smiled at the male and gave him a nuzzle, I never knew you had any healing abilities, He said, referring to what he had just witnessed a moment ago, Have you spoken with Deuce? Perhaps she’d be willing to train you further, if you are willing to learn. New Dawn was in need for more healers, Deuce being on in years was well versed in her craft, but she was only one wolf, and if they ever needed more than what she could lend, there would be trouble.

Zalen sat back on his haunches then, relaxed, and let his pink tongue loll out in a relaxed pant. He stay this way for a while, his ear flicking off some biting insect, before he turn to Cerberus again, How has the pack been treating you since your return? He was not sure how well Cerberus had been fitting in, nor did he know how others treated him behind Zalen’s back. He wanted to make sure of the male’s well-being. In his heart, Zalen knew that Cerberus no longer fit into the Pariah position, but his decision to move him onto an equal footing with the majority of the pack would depend on what the male had to say regarding this question.

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